"You've gotta swim, swim for your life, swim for the music that saves you. When you're not so sure you'll survive you gotta swim and swim when it hurts. The whole world is watching, you haven't come this far to fall off the earth..."
For those that know me, know that I am a huge fan of music... more importantly lyrics! (I know this is supposed to be a blog about running- just give me a minute lol) Lyrics can stirr up emotions and feelings in an instant, but they can also be tremendously motivating and empowering. I love when they can push you through hard times and hard situations! The song on my mind today is "Swim" by Jack's Mannequin (thanks to Mandy!) I am now obsessed :) It couldn't be a more perfect song for me right now. I could run a whole marathon to this song! (and I just might lol)
My last two runs have gone well! Suprisingly enough sleep and enough "crap" to think about to get me through these easy runs. I felt strong and fast. Next up is a 6 mile run this weekend... furthest so far during my training -I'm ready! I'm confident I will smoke this run :) If you would have asked me earlier in the week what my thoughts were about my "long run" I would have thought it nearly impossible. This week has been on a consistant downhill ride. So much has been weighing on my heart and my mind the last couple days- doubts, questions, fears, and concerns- that there wasn't much room to think about running. BUT I have had a whole lot of encouragement and support from many good friends as well as a "drill sergeant" to keep me on my feet- literally! "Keep your chin up!" "Have a 'screw it' attitude." "It gets better with time." All of these have been rather encouraging. However, one piece of encouragement that I received touched my heart more than all the others- so much that it brought me to tears (suprise, suprise!) One very wise, young friend of mine told me this "Go find a mirror. Look in it. Then tell me who you see... because that person is also my role model." Very inspirational and heart-warming :) Now if that doesn't keep me motivated and trucking along, something is wrong with me! It's so comforting to know that I have so many people that support, encourage, and love me... thank you!
I'll keep you all posted as to how Saturday's 6 mile run went :) Until then, I'm going to keep on looking in that mirror, keep on swimming and not giving in...
NOTES of the DAY:
*Temperature: 75 degrees
*Song of the day: Swim by Jack's Mannequin
*Tip of the day: Drink water. Water, water, water. Even during your run, especially in AZ :)
*Quote of the day: "Goals provide the energy source that powers our lives. One of the best ways we can get the most from the energy we have is to focus it. That is what goals can do for us; concentrate our energy." - Denis Waitley
Running a great form of therapy! Get lost in the music and the run, and pretty soon you'll find you've come out on the other side in one piece :) You're strong, and I have faith in you. Enjoy the journey! And hold tight to that "screw it" attitude ;)