Life is full of decisions-too many decisions. Its great that we have the will to choose what, when, why, where, and how. But how do we know if those decisions are the RIGHT decisions, not just another bad decision in a long line of bad decisions? Will we ever figure that out?
Right now I can firmly state that the only "good" decision that I have made in the past two months is to train for a marathon. I could provide proof and support that this decision was a 100% guaranteed good decision. A few non-runners may beg to differ, but my heart tells me its not. As far as all other decisions, I guess only time and a little (make that A LOT) of prayer will tell.
Why was the decision to run a marathon a great idea? Oh, let me count the ways... ;)
1.) I LOVE a challenge- especially a physical one! Not only is this a physical challenge but more so a mental one. Just as my body has to be at peak performance, so does my mind. What better way than to push your body and mind to handle the pain and emotions of running for FOUR hours straight...
2.) My body's transformation- I have always been a "big girl", "thick", "muscular", etc. Sure, I needed that size for football- so I accepted it. However, deep down it has always been a struggle for me. It doesn't feel good to be called thick, etc. I didn't see much change while training for the half marathon, but I also wasn't focused on my nutrition. And incase you all didn't know, it goes like this: 80% nutrition, 10% training, 10% genetics will help you reach your goals-whatever they may be. A large portion of society believes or trains as if 80% is training and 20% is nutrition/diet.... Go hit the gym really hard for a week and in the meantime, eat your french fries, snickers bar, and Mt. Dew! Come back to me and tell me the results you've seen-positive ones that is. Results that don't include fatigue, digestive issues, and maybe even weight gain! Now, if you make a few changes in your "diet" or nutrition, making that as big a priority as your training, positive changes will occur. Trust me! In two weeks, I've lost 5.5 pounds and 2% body fat :) The greatest part is that I still have 3.5 more months of training...woohoo!
3.) Keeping me busy, keeping me active, and relieving stress. It doesn't cost to go outside and run. Just lace up some old sneakers and hit the pavement. It relieves so much stress and is a great form of therapy (so is writing.) And it's something a lot of people can relate to! Please share with me WHY YOU RUN?! :)
That's my proof as to why this decision was a GOOD one :) I'm sure I could find many more reasons but I will leave it at that for now! Tomorrow's post will be about the last few days of training... it's still going well :)
*Temperature: 85 degrees by 6:00am
*Song of the Day: Who Says by Selena Gomez
*Tip of the Day: You know you're a runner when: your calf muscles are bigger than your biceps, you correct others that a marathon is really 26 POINT TWO miles, and you use "easy run" and "five miles" in the same sentence. :)
*Quote of the Day: "Everyone benefits from running, both in ways they recognize and in ways they don't. One thing that almost always happens is that your sense of self-worth improves. You accept yourself a little better." - Ted Corbitt
*Quote of the Day:
i love your posts! and your positive attitude when i know life decisions are constantly confusing!
ReplyDeletewhy do i run....well, as you know, running is really hard for me. i get bored and really don't enjoy it most of the time. i think i run 1) because i know it's good for me. 2) because i do love running through a city and seeing what's going on. 3) because the satisfaction of having run is amazing for me. i run because i like being about to say "i did it." call me crazy, but that is why i run. and it keeps me from getting chubby :)
I'm liking the part about "come back and tell me your results" haha :) Its very true.
ReplyDeleteAnd...why I run: well I didnt really start untill basic training...and actually hated every second of it at first. But there was a moment, 3/4ths of the way through basic when my toughest drill sgt wanted to race me during pt. And I beat her. It felt awesome. I also saw serious results in physical shape, mental health, confidence, serious stamina, among many other things. I've not kept up with as much running as i'd like to do since being home. But I remember running 5 or 6 miles every other day, and it was always a breeze for me. Running is awesome stress relief, and I totally agree with you on the 'its always there for me when other things arent'. Running is the best therapy. Stick with it B! I'm trying to do the same! :)
I run because you told me too.