Monday, June 20, 2011

Running= sanity

     I have come to realize that the only thing that will keep me "sane" while down here in Arizona on this "adventure" is my training. It's the only thing I can count on, rely on, and trust. It will be there every morning when I open my eyes, on my mind throughout the day, and in my dreams at night. It keeps its promise to me because I am keeping my promise to it. It offers reassurance when none is provided. It offers me a chance to escape the reality of the uncontrollable situations in my life- I'm in a whole other world, and I love it!
     As you may have read in my last posting, Saturday's run was a little on the difficult side. It went on forever and was a little painful. But I have recently read that "if it feels good, you're doing something wrong. Its supposed to hurt like hell." Slightly crazy idea one might think, but that is very reassuring and motivating. It means I'm pushing my limits when most would give up. My training hasn't hurt like hell just yet (other things have), but I'm sure the time will come- and I welcome it! Pain, in any form, can be such an amazing release. Pushing yourself when you are tired, hungry, weak and in pain can release so many feelings and emotions when there is no other way to do so. You are in control as to how much pain you want to endure, how many emotions you want released. Life does not allow you to be in such control. Life causes pain when you don't want it and when you aren't ready. You have no control and no say-so. It leaves you helpless and lost...
      My first run of this week was a great three mile run. It was smooth, comfortable, and easy- exactly what I needed after Saturday's "not so great" run. I thought it meant today was going to be a great day... Boy, was I wrong! It's the end of the day already and so much as happened that any more details of my run have been long replaced with "life" and the pain and helplessness it causes. If only that "other world" that running sucks you into was actually reality... I'm ready for another run...

NOTES of the DAY:
* Temperature: 73 degrees
* Song of the Day: Rootless Tree by Damien Rice
* Tip of the Day: Run with your heart...
* Quote of the Day: " I was pushed by myself because I have my own rule, and that is that every day I run faster and try harder." -Wilson Kipketer

1 comment:

  1. Find that inner rage. It helps when you need that extra push.
