Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"There is something magical about running; after a certain distance, it transcends the body.  Then a bit futher, it transcends the mind.   A bit further yet, and what you have before you, laid bare, is the soul."

 The mararthon was such an amazing experience that I'm not sure I can put it in words. Luckily, my wonderful friends Mandy and Christopher documented the entire event on camera. Please check out their website www.thedirtieduckie.com :) The pictures and the video captured a weekend, a challenge, that I have been looking forward to for a very, very long time...

I was full of emotion as I met my very good friend Eric at the baggage claim at KCI airport. It was like a scene from a movie- people passed by us as we embraced in a hug while tears flooded from my eyes. Every emotion I had experienced in the last 6 months came out at that very moment in uncontrollable sobs. It was so good to see a familiar, loving face- someone who knows ME. After a few emotional minutes, we grabbed my luggage, hit the highway in his jeep, and headed for some food. I missed how it felt to be in Kansas City. The air, smell, sights, all of it- it is different. There are leaves, green grass, and water! I was instantly happy and  in awe that I was back home. I had a full schedule that day and I was so excited to spend every minute with people I loved and missed terribly. Eric and I enjoyed lunch at Panera- fabulous choice! I was planning on "carbo-loading" at each meal for three days prior. I had my routine for pre-race day that I didn't want to change up but knew I needed the necessary carb intake for Saturday's race. After lunch and a few other stops with Eric, I met up with another friend Misty for an early dinner (and belated birthday celebration!) at The Westside Local. Amazing food from local farmers and the restaurant's very own garden in the back. I encourage you to check it out if you have never :) Dinner with Misty was tons of fun, but brief. Next up was a quick meeting with another friend Jennifer aka Bootie! We went to our usual spot, Mi Ranchito :) No, I did not eat although I was very tempted! So many people to see and so little time. I loved seeing everyone but hated that it was always for a short visit before moving on to the next! I was staying with another friend for the night, Tara, and by the time I got there I was exhausted. Thursday was such a long day with flying and running around but I hardly got any sleep that night! I was a little stressed about it come Friday because two nights before a race is just as critical as the night before.

Friday was an exciting day full of all kinds of emotions! Race day was less than 24 hours away and I was feeling excited, nervous, confident, and terrified. Any given moment the confident, competitor in me would instantly be hit with thoughts of doubt and "What the hell were you thinking, you can't run 26.2 miles?!" Luckily, I only entertained those negative thoughts sporadically through out the day. I met up with Mandy and Christopher early that morning and they were able to boost my confidence all day with their words of encouragement (this being Mandy's third marathon I would consider her a pro!) We piled into Christopher's jeep and met up with Mandy's mom at the expo for packet pickup- she, too, would be running in the race the following morning, tacking on yet another half marthon to her resume! We made our way through the expo stopping to listen to the guest speaker, catching up with some fellow Herbalife Distributors who were sampling out my beloved Prolong endurance drink, and finally grabbing our race bags before heading off to lunch at Spin Pizza! It's official! With my t-shirt, bib, and timing chip in hand, I couldn't back out now ;) I was a little nervous about having pizza for lunch since I had not practiced this for the last few weeks so instead I opted for a sandwich. This would allow me to keep on track for my pre-race day routine consisting of a shake for breakfast, banana and protein bar for a snack, and my usual sandwich for lunch. I was feeling good but already tired after lunch and it was still early! We had a few more stops to make before we were able to head home and retire for the evening. With getting only a few hours of sleep the night before, I didn't know if I would be able to make it through much of the evening. But I didn't want to miss out on the festivities for the night! Mandy's tradition is to watch The Expendibles and have a glass of wine... How could I pass up a badass movie and wine?! Count me in! So all three of us piled onto the futon upstairs for the remainder of the evening :)

My alarm clock went off at 4:30a and I was already awake. Of course I slept horribly, typical before a big day!  As I got ready and sipped on a Rockstar, Mandy and Christopher were getting ready as well- documenting the morning routine! I wasn't too nervous first thing that morning but I don't think the reality of what I was about to do had sank in just yet! In less than 3 hours, I was about to put all my training and sacrifice to the test... was I even ready?!? I would soon find out...

After gathering our bags, bikes, and people we headed downtown! We made it to Crown Center in plenty of time with no traffic problems. As we stepped out of the parking garage, I realized that it was a GREAT deal colder than what I had been used to running in- which I was not too thrilled about! I did come prepared with a long sleeve tshirt but my legs would have to freeze :( We made a pitstop in Panera before saying goodbye to Christopher and heading to the starting line. When I first set out training for this marathon, my goal was to complete it under 4 hours. Throughout my training I changed my goal several times. The few weeks leading up to the race I was telling people I would be content "just finishing." HOWEVER, those of you that know me, know I would not have been happy with that. I wanted to do better than that but I also was afraid to choose an unattainable goal so I went with a 4:15. My game plan for the race was to keep up with Mandy through the hill at Liberty Memorial and then go from there. She typically runs at a faster pace so I wasn't sure how I would do. I set my ipod to the same song I began every long race with ("Momma Sed") and the gun went off at 7:05am!! Here are a few "mile markers" that I remember:

* Mile 3: Liberty Memorial hill- As I started climbing, the song "Determined" by Mudvayne began to play. Perfect!! Because I did the Half Marathon last year I knew what I would be facing and lets just say I kicked it's ass. I loved it! We conquered the hill and I was feeling great :) Approximately four miles down and 22.2 to go!

*Mile 5: Seeing a few familiar faces in the crowd! Thanks Nic and Drew :)

*Mile 8: At this point, the half marathon runners separate from the marathon runners! The lane to the left was full of people but the one on the right was sparse. I guess there weren't as many "crazy" people willing to do the full! It gave a little ego boost :)

*Mile 10: Up to this point I had been keeping up with Mandy as our pace quickened. Somwhere between 10 and 11 I stopped to grab my Prolong from C and struggled to catch up with Mandy. As we hit mile 11, we stopped for a brief minute to grab our gels and the only words out of my mouth were "Holy hell." This would not be the only time I used those words!! We hadn't even hit the half way point and it was kicking my ass. I knew I needed to keep up with Mandy... if I lost sight of her, I was doomed. So I did just that...
*Mile 13.1: We crossed the half marathon checkpoint at 2:00:34. I was slightly annoyed with being half a minute short of completing it under 2 hours but happy at the same time because that was faster than last years time :)

*Mile 18: My legs had never felt heavier nor hurt more in all my life! They felt like tree trunks pounding the pavement with every step. There were moments when I would have enough energy to belt out the words to Stanky Leg or Check Up On It to Christopher but in the next breathe I was struggling to pick up my feet. I felt like we were just shuffling our feet from one mile marker to the next.  I can't say that I was ever happy to see the mile markers. It was demoralizing at points to know that I still had many more miles to go being that every part of my body hurt.
PS. THIS pain was what I was expecting, hoping for, and wanting... It represented so much...

*Mile 21: Technically 20.90 lol. It had been a few miles since our last pitstop and I was donig everything in my power not to stop. I was hoping and praying that Mandy would want to stop and refuel SOON. There were a few times that I was either sleeping, blacking out, or in a complete trance. I was no longer in control of my body, it seemed. I had to get outside of my body and mind so somehow I blocked everything out and stared straight ahead- what a crazy feeling!! If Mandy had not been by my side, I would have given up. I was so ready to throw in the towel!! After our mini break, we both stated that we hurt like hell but we had to keep going, one step at a time...

*Mile 22- Watch the video!! You will see AND hear just how Mandy and I felt about that damn Mile Marker 22 :-P

Mile 25- Some point after seeing MM25, I saw my good friend Layne (who had just completed her first half marathon- way to go, Crunchy!!) It was so good to see a friendly face at that point :) Mandy and I made the final turn the final turn and the finish line look miles away! People were yelling and cheering as we got closer. and there it was- the final mile marker- 26!!! Ironically enough, my ipod began playing "Swim" by Jack's Mannequin. A song that Mandy introduced me to months prior- a song that got me through a little bit of hell. It was perfect timing :) With a few hundred feet remaining, I kicked it up a notch and began sprinting through the finish!! To my surprise no tears came. Probably because I had sweat them all out or because I had no energy left to do so- it was all I could do to catch my breath. I crossed the finish line in 4 HOURS, 4 MINUTES, and 29 SECONDS :)  I finished a full marathon... and in a faster time than I had planned (Thanks to pacer, Mandy lol). Every single part of my body hurt... and I LOVED it!! We'll just forget about the many times I told Mandy and Christopher that I "hate my life right now" during the race!
I saw Eric and Kristen after I crossed and of course the first words out of my mouth were "Holy hell" ha!  We visited for a few minutes as we made our way through the crowd. It was so good to see them at the end and share this experience with them! Kristen is a marathon veteran (8 notches on her belt) and Eric will be completing his first (of many) half marathons next spring- woohoo!! The gang and I hung out for a bit sipping on our post race beer and replaying the events of the race. Walking was nearly impossibly and sitting or standing required assistance from the guys! I was completely spent but so happy at the same time. I accomplished my goal of completing a marathon!!! I knew that this would not be my last :)

The rest of the weekend was busy! Somehow I managed to go dancing later that night and stay up until the next morning! My nap after the race was unsuccessful because laying still or trying to roll over hurt! Sunday afternoon I spent it with Nicole, Monica, and Sarah at Kona Grill and then Hamburger Marys :) It was so nice to see my friends and spend time with them. I missed them and I missed Kansas City terribly- this was life as I knew it!

Monday would be a sad day! I would be leaving that night and I wasn't able to see everyone that I wanted to. I had gotten comfortable again being in KC and I wasn't ready to leave.  It was a nice fall day: overcast, chilly, with brightly colored leave all around. I realized that I am definitely a four-seasons kind of girl! Warm weather is nice, but I like variety- and the color green ;) I saw Tara, Mandy, and Christopher for awhile before I headed out that night. If there was anything I could do about it, I would have stayed...

I enjoyed my weekend back home! I'm so happy to have seen my friends. The marathon was an incredible, life-changing experience like I had expected. I now know that I can do anything I want- it just takes a little dedication and heart!! I never thought it was something I could have done, but with all the support and encouragement I received, I did :) Thank you to everyone!! One marathon down, many more to go! I hope you all will be along for my future endeavors :)

Love always,


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What does .2 mean?

It is only 3 days until the marathon. I wanted to share something I came across in one of my favorite books. I've been waiting until now to share it. I hope it sinks deep inside your soul like it does mine. Enjoy!

     ".2 is about completion. .2 is about having what it takes. .2 is about mastering pain. .2 is about getting it done. .2 is the "and over" of "up and over." .2 is about strength. .2 is about life."
     "If you have experienced .2, then you will never be the kind of person who does something "almost" or "half-assed." You will never hastily approve something that isn't done right. You will never take a shortcut on effort just because no one is watching. You will never say, "Eh, it doesn't matter." Because it does matter. If you have slogged or sprinted through the final .2 of a marathon, then you know intimately the difference between 26 and 26.2. And its not as simple as 200 meters.
     ".2 is the metaphorical distance between you and any finish line in your life, anything you have ever dreamed of doing or becoming. It's what's separating you from your truest, most authentic self and your most actualized life. It's what's worth thinking about, strategizing about, planning for, training for, and going for. "
     ".2 is simultaneously the end and the beginning. Because when we cross one finish line, we arrive at the next start line, carrying with us everything we learned from prior distance. Hopefully, we manage to drop a few unnecessary things that weigh us down along the way, making our journey lighter as we go along."-Kristen Armstrong, Mile Markers: The 26.2 Most Important Reasons Why Women Run

Thank you to everyone who has followed along, offered me words of encouragement and support! I would NEVER have been able to do this without you. I thank you from the very bottom of my heart!

Love always,


Friday, October 7, 2011

Desert Therapy

(Creosote Bush)

There has been a little piece of my training that I have failed to mention. I've considered doing so on several occasions but never found the right timing. I believe it has been a huge contribution to my love of running and my ability to relax and let go of life. There is nothing like it. If I could bottle it up and bring it home to Kansas City, I would! What is it, you ask?  Well, it's nothing more than the smell of the desert (aka Creosote) :D Until you experience it for yourself, it is hard to explain. It's nature's aromatherapy. It eases your mind, brings about an internal peace, and makes you appreciate life and the things around you. This is the reason why a large portion of my runs were mapped out the way they were-into the desert so I could enjoy the fragrance. Sometimes, if the wind is just right or there is a chance of rain, you can be standing in the middle of Tucson and still smell it. However, every single time you venture out of the city and into the desert it is there- I love it! In the future, when I've completed several marathons and I can't separate one training session from the next, I will always remember the smell of the desert. The way it assured me that life, with all its ups and downs, is still absolutely amazing- if I just relaxed, slowed down, and took it all in.

That's just what I did this morning on my last long run of my training. I woke up to a "freezing cold" Tucson morning- which was great preparation for next week's race! The thermometer hovered around 50 degrees this morning as I took off around 530. I was so cold that I opted to throw on a long sleeve t-shirt in addition to my "race day" attire- hoping I would not regret that decision later. Being this was my last run, I was determined to make it a successful one! If I had to dig deep, I would. If I had to fake how great I felt, I would do that as well. Much to my pleasure, however, it was a success, without any of that! The cool, crisp morning actually made me run faster. This familiar route made me smile as I remembered all the good times and the bad times we've shared. This same route at one point stole all confidence I had gathered as a new runner. But on this day, it would be restored! I have so much confidence going into next week :) Not the kind of confidence where I think this will be totally easy and that I will have a record-breaking time. The confidence I have is knowing that I have trained for 5 months- sacrificed, stayed committed, and developed myself into a runner. I have confidence that this will be the toughest physical and mental challenge I have yet faced. But, I also, have the strength and courage to meet it- head on- all while keeping my feet moving. I'm so pumped for next Saturday!! I can see myself shivering at the starting line from the cold and the nervousness. I can feel myself running through the streets of Kansas City- my home- reminiscing, with a restored sense of appreciation for the city I have missed dearly. I can even see myself struggling, having to dig deep- bringing forth all the pain and heartache I've been through on this adventure, allowing it to fuel me through all 26.2 miles. I have the confidence that I will cross the finish line completely spent, leaving everything on the "field", with tears streaming down my face, no doubt. I will stand (most likely lay) there with the biggest smile on my face :) At that very moment every single minute of the past 5 months and 9 days will have been worth it. I believe it is then that I will have "learned to love my journey."

NOTES of the DAY:
*Temperature: 51 degrees
*Song of the Day: "Determined" by Mudvayne- its perfect :)
*Tip of the Day: Tucson gets cold. FYI.
*Quote of the Day: "Its supposed to hurt like hell." Coach McTavish from UltraMarathon Man by Dean Karnezes

Monday, October 3, 2011

This little piggy went to the market...

I love "battle wounds!!" Whether it was nasty bruises post "Hit Day," scraped up shins from stealing bases, or a fat lip after getting elbowed during a basketball game, they are all proof of some sort of battle :) My feet (and body) have been fighting a long, hard battle since May, resulting in aching bones and joints, sore muscles, and mangled, purple toenails! The purple toenails have not been painful up until now... which is one reason why my 13.5 mile run on Saturday turned into 12!

After last week's 20 mile run, my body needed as much time to recover as possible. I was so physically and mentally exhausted from that run, all I could find the strength for was an 8 mile run on Wednesday. The run was a little difficult due to my still sore muscles and was *definitely* not the fastest 8 miles I have done. At this point, however, I just wanted to get the miles in. After finishing this run, I noticed the beginnings of yet another purple toenail :) In all my years of playing sports, I have never lost any toenails so, of course, I find it fascinating (haha)!  By the end of the marathon, I'm sure the number will easily amount to at least four. Yep, four of them- gone! I'll be sure to post pictures for everyone to enjoy ;)

Because of my toe pain,  the "easy" 13 mile tapered run was a bit more difficult then I had hoped. However, I would rather have dealt with that then the more serious heel pain I was dealing with last week. An update on that- my heel feels great! Occasionally I will notice a slight discomfort but it usually is mild and doesn't last long! Lets hope it keeps up :) Everything was a little off this last week as far as my training, nutritional habits, and sleep patterns, so I understand why this run wasn't as easy as I hoped. Part way through my run, I decided to cut it to 12 miles rather than the mapped out 13.5. This didn't bother me too much because the original training schedule had me only running 9 miles, so 12 was a bonus :) With only two weeks left, I'm getting back on track with my nutrition and hydration, and hopefully with sleeping as well. The remaining mileage has tapered greatly- 3, 5, 3, 8 mile runs this week! I'm excited about the tapering- I hope it will give me the adequate rest and recovery I am needing before the big day! Butterflies are already in my stomach as I write this blog today. My palms are sweaty and my heart is racing. Nervousness, excitement, and anticipation have been slowly filling me for weeks and weeks- I am ready to explode! I'm so ready to have my hard work and dedication pay off. This will be an incredible experience. I can't wait to soak up every amazing, emotional minute this adventure has in store for me :)

276 hours and counting... (I'm sure you already knew this, Layne!!)

NOTES of the DAY:
*Temperature: 69 degrees
*Song of the Day: "Sin with a Grin" by Shinedown
*Tip of the Day: I met a lady the other day who told me she used to run marathons but developed knee and ankle problems. I thought she was going to put down running but she continued on saying she tried long distance swimming and cycling which were both fun! But she finished our conversation with "There is nothing like running. None of it compares." I would agree. Try running: try to learn to like it, enjoy it,  and need it. There is nothing else like it.
*Quote of the Day: " I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." -Winston Churchill

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pain is temporary...

Unbreakable. Resilient. A Badass. Those things could describe me, but really I'm just me :) I'm a gridiron girl gone runner. I'm a girl on an adventure discovering who she is and what she is made of in a land far, far away. I'm a girl, like many others, who has recently been disappointed by people who aren't supposed to disappoint you. I'm a lucky girl who has other people in her life who have stood their ground, continually offering comfort, support, encouragement, and reminding me of the Badass that I am :) Even being 47.5 marathons away, YOU ( you know who you are) are still by my side...Imagine that!

The above mentioned is what fueled my slightly injured body through 20 grueling miles this morning! Not having ran all week because of my foot, anticipation and nerves were at an all time high as I rolled out of bed at 330am. I needed plenty of time to tend to my foot. After seeing some progress yesterday, I was disappointed to feel the pain in my foot return as I took my first step. Listening to all the advice I had received, I made sure to stretch and massage my leg. Amazingly enough, it was having the anterior part of my leg massaged yesterday that relieved a lot of the pain. After only feeling a little relief, I popped some ibuprofen, laced up my Mizunos (we will have a discussion about these particular shoes later- I think they are a cause of my foot problem), shoved my PB& J into its snug little pocket of my Prolong filled bottle, and hit the long lost pavement.

20 miles covers a lot of ground if you were not aware. The route this morning took me to places I haven't traveled yet. Although it was new and unseen territory, it was not aesthetically pleasing. So I put blinders on and focused on the pain. Pain of running and the pain of life. Today, I wanted to feel it, savor it, and use it as my driving force. When my foot began to hurt more and my legs were heavy and on fire, I told myself that the pain was nothing. I had endured much more than that on this adventure. The mind is an amazing thing. It can hinder you, freeze you in place, or it can make you feel like you can conquer the world. Its really up to you as to how you will let it affect you. Mind over matter, right?

I completed the 20 miles- the most I have ever ran in my life. It was a challenge. In less than three weeks, I will run head first (without a helmet, I might add) into the biggest physical and mental challenge I've had to face. But that's what I set out to do! I've lost a little blood. Sweated more than I can even fathom. And cried only a FEW tears ;) I know there will be more of this come October 15th, but I welcome ever inch of that challenge.

...Pride is forever.

NOTES of the DAY:
*Temperature: 70 degress
*Song of the Day: "Hustle Hard" by Ace Hood
*Tip of the Day: Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must; never give up.
*Quote of the Day: "There is no star for completion. Even a task well done or a milestone met is not a conclusion; it is simply a transition to a new beginning." - Kristen Armstrong

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bluebird Cafe to Oklahoma Joe's

If I was in Kansas City, that would be the length of my run on Saturday. Kind of crazy if you think about it! It took me 2 hours and 44 minutes to run that distance! Do you know what "normal" people do in that length of time? All kinds of things!!! But I would say this running thing has turned me into a not-so-normal person... and I love it!! I've enjoyed spending my saturday mornings getting up before the rest of the world and running for several hours. Its incredibly rejuvenating- you should try it :)

I can't say that it was an easy run but it was as smooth as 18 miles can go! I ran the same route as I had last week which was an easy loop first heading east towards Davis- Monthan AFB for about 8 miles and then turning back westward towards home. I sipped on my Prolong as I ran and eventually got lost in my own thoughts. Once again, I can't explain just how incredible this product is... you all really should try it! Anyways, I had my Jet Blackberry GU gel with 2x the caffeine at mile 8, mostly because I was starving and need some carbs. What you intake during a run is just as important as pre- and post- runs, so I decided to experiment a little. At mile 14, I had 1/3 of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to help fuel my muscles for the remaining four miles! Althought it was semi-difficult to eat due to the dryness, I think it was rather helpful. If only I had a running buddy who could have carried it with them instead of smashing into the little pocket of my handheld water bottle ;) I may try this again for this Saturdays run! The last three miles were a little difficult because my legs started feeling extremely heavy and my hip flexors were exhausted. What helped me finish was breaking down the remaining miles into small goals, just like I have done before! I just had to overcome those small obstacles to get to the end goal- HOME!! Its so ironic how running mimics my life! ;)

Saturday evening after my 18 mile run, I started to have some achiness and pain in my left heel. It wasn't constant so I ignored it for the remaining of the night. When I woke up Sunday, it was slightly worse than the night before. It didn't bother me during my hike up at Mt. Lemmon, so I chalked it up to being just a temporary thing. However, when I woke up Monday morning and took my first step, pain shot through my foot! I had to limp my way through the apartment. Ive dealt with the pain off and on for the last couple days. I asked the "expert" runners at the Running Shop next door what it could be and how to treat it. They instantly thought it was plantar fascitis, but with the pain radiating through my leg I thought it could potentially be something worse... I decided to take this week off from running, but still getting some crosstraining in by cycling to work! Today is much better:) I had the therapists at work check me out and their diagnosis was plantar fascitis as well. They have given me some exercises to do and have offered to work on my feet as well. Yay!! *Supposedly* plantar fasciatis is caused by excessive exercise and not enough cushion in my running shoes. Good to know, but I don't have time to stop my training NOR the means to get new shoes! Looks like massage, ice, and ibuprofen will be my best friends for the next TWENTY THREE DAYS :) :) Hoooty hoo!!! 

NOTES of the DAY:
* Temperature: 70 degrees
*Song of the Day: "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen
*Tip of the Day: "Don't worry, be happy!" :)
*Quote of the Day: "Thou hast only to follow the wall far enough and there will be a door in it." - Marguerite De Angeli

Monday, September 12, 2011

Mile Marker: 17

    Its funny how when a long run goes horribly I have so much to write and complain about! However, when it goes well, it leaves me almost speechless! I guess that's a good thing, huh? ;) I'd rather have short blogs and successful runs over lengthy in-depth blogs and crappy runs- especially nearing race day!
    Saturday's run was a total of 17.2 miles and I couldn't be happier with how it went! I set off bright and early around 4:45am. I decided not to run it as quickly as I could but to relax and enjoy the run. I think this laid-back mentality helped take a little stress and anxiety off of me. I did run a completely different route than I have been running so I think that helped keep things new and fresh! I felt good and strong through out the entire run. I plan on doing everything the same as I had I had done last weekend. This routine I have developed seems to be working so well :) The clock is ticking and the days are counting down. The more I think about the run the more anxious yet extremely excited I get! This whole training experience has taught me so much. I know I have learned a great deal about myself: what I am able to handle and how to push through some difficult times. I've been told that running a marathon can change your life and leave you with an experience of a lifetime. I think this is the part I am looking forward to the most...
    Next long run will be 18 miles... each week from here on out I am required to run a distance I have never run before. I look forward to the challenge and know that I am capable of meeting each one! Thank you for all your continued support and encouraging words :)

NOTES of the DAY:
* Temperature of the Day: 62 degrees
* Song of the Day:
*Tip of the Day: Got a race coming up? Think positive thoughts! Have the confidence you can and will succeed. I know you can :)
*Quote of the Day: "Running restores my equilibrium, quiets the noise within, re-prioritizes my list, repairs my state of gratitude, and returns me to myself, but a better version, nice and roomy in my own skin." - Kristin Armstrong

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PR weekend :)

This last weekend was a great weekend :) I had an "easy" run scheduled for Saturday morning, a 13.1 miler! It still makes me laugh to think that 13.1 is "easy!" I had been looking forward to it all week. I hoped it would go well and would fill me with positive energy for the following weekend's 17 mile run! I followed my now regular Friday, pre-long run routine: shake for breakfast, hummus and veggies for a snack, protein bar, and a Subway grilled chicken sandwich for an early dinner.  I think I have it pretty well figured out now except for a minor change here and there. I figured I would share this so that others can get some ideas. However, like a very good friend of mine always says: It depends on the person. What works for one person may not work for another! My one recommendation is to eat dinner earlier in the evening to allow plenty of time for your food to digest before your run (if you run early in the morning.)  
I mapped out a route this time that would keep me fairly close to the city limits. If I venture out much farther then Pandora doesn't work on my phone and we already know how important music is during running :)
I had my Prolong and my GU gels to keep my energy sustained the whole time. At mile 11.5, I realized I was making really good time and I quite possibly could set a new PR for a "half marathon." So what else did I do, but kick it up a few notches... BAM! ;) I might have set a PR with that last mile but I have no idea and didn't care at the time. All I cared about was that I had just completed a half marathon distance run 5.5 minutes FASTER than my finishing time for the KC Half Marathon- 1:59:15...woohoo :) I was so excited!


On Labor Day, I participated in the 36th Annual Saguero National Park 8 mile run. It was the 2nd race of the Gabe Zimmerman Triple Crown. The first event was a 5k nighttime run held earlier this summer.  The last event is a half marathon up "A" Mountain held at the beginning of October. For those of you who don't know or remember, Gabe Zimmerman, was a former aide to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and was one of 6 people who lost their lives during an event Zimmerman organized called "Congress On Your Corner" that was held January 8th here in Tucson.  Having a moment of silence in rememberance of Gabe, while a beautiful rainbow peaked through the clouds made for an emotional start to the race! I overheard several conversations throughout the week discussing the "Mile 4 Hill" and how hilly the course was in general. I was definitely not prepared for just how hilly the course was!! I have posted a topography map of the course.... Bring it on Liberty Memorial ;) 

As you can see there definitely is a "Mile 4 Hill" and NO flat spots! It was challenging but I loved it! I started the race in the middle of the pack which was where the 7 minute pace group was. This would be the reason why I set a PR that day! I was unaware of my pace but just kept up with the speed demons surrounding me. I was surprised by the continuous rolling hills but pressed on. I was wondering why I was already breathing heavy when I saw mile marker 1 when I looked down at my watch to see 7:45!! No wonder :) I am certain I had just ran my fastest mile ever, but I needed to slow it down if I was going to make it the next 7 miles! It was definitely challenging but I think it was a great training run for my marathon. I finished the 8 miles in 1:08:16. The results came out and that placed me 6th in the Female 25-29 division, 182 out of 848 people, and my average pace per mile was 8:32. I am definitely VERY happy with these results :) My confidence is definitely boosted a little and hopefully I can carry that with me through out the rest of my training and through the marathon itself.

                                                                     37 days!!!!! :) :)

NOTES of the DAY:
*Song of the day: "Shutterbug" by Lucious Left
*Tip of the day: Try to run in a race or two as training runs for your half or full marathon. Running with people is more fun and you can push yourself a little harder and set new PRs.
*Quote of the day: "The obsession with running is really an obsession with potential for more and more life." -George Sheehan

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Una breve recapitulacion :)

 With my morning 8 mile run complete, today marks the end of training month #3!! I took a few moments today to look back to the beginning of my training. i have a calendar that hangs on my wall-each day of my training is color coded. I have fast runs, tempo runs, cross-training days, easy runs, long runs and of course REST DAYS- all marked in different colors. Each day is crossed out as they are completed and most have the length of time in which I have completed the run.
   I started a 2 week pre-training program consisting of several 3 mile runs and an occassional 4 miler. I wanted to have somewhat of a bse before starting my full marathon training. I remember feeling anxious and yes, even terrified to run 3 miles. I was scared of failing and having those short runs kick my butt! I know many of you have been in those shoes and may be in them now! Keep your chin up, think positive...You will get there! I did :) I never imagined that I would get to the point where I was looking forward to "just an 8 mile run" or that I "only had a 13 mile run this week." Its crazy how your thought process changes when you begin running!
  As of today, I have tackled about 300 miles... Let me repeat that... 300 miles, baby!!! How crazy, but exciting :) I still have about a month and a half left until the big day! For those of you who do not know, I have finally decided on which marathon will be my first! I will be gracing Kansas City with my presence and running the Waddell & Reed full marathon on October 15th :-D I couldn't be more excited to share this experience with my friends and family back home! I hope to see all your smiling faces out at the race and throughout the weekend, so pencil me in! I can't wait for weekend to arrive!!

   I leave you with these little excerpts from the book I'm currently reading titled "Run! 26.2 Stories of blisters and bliss" by Dean Karnazes...

             "The emotional swings that running creates can induce great bursts of creativity and insight. I believe these dramatic changes build strength of character. Just as a problem-free life never makes a strong and good person, smooth roads never make a good runner. As the runner fights the urge to stop, she masters her very mind. In overcoming adversity, she better understands the inner workings of her psyche. Life becomes bigger, bolder, filled with greater potential. 'In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity for growth,' Einstein wrote."
             "I've said it before: There's magic in misery. We runners lust for more. Our emotional discord heightens as we approach the fringes. Nothing seems to quell the insatiable appetite for more and more life. We are never thoroughly satisfied. Addiction? Perhaps. Is this a bad thing? You be the judge."



Monday, August 29, 2011

Play that funky music, White boy!

     This was the tune that popped in my head during a portion of my 16.5 miler this morning :) I was in desperate need of some music but my I-Pod pulled the white screen, no-buttons-working stunt on me on Tuesday! I was left to attempt running the scheduled 7 miles (on Tuesday) without any music and it turned out that it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. But I knew 16 would be a lot tougher so I grabbed my phone and set Pandora to Big Boi's radio station in hopes it would get me through this morning! The first 6 miles were GREAT! The new music was just what I needed to keep me entertained... until it stopped working! I had to run the next 8 or so miles, the hardest part of the run, without music, GAH! I have always ran to music up to this point. It definitely messed with my head. The remaining miles dragged on and I felt like I was never going to get home. Mentally I was beat but physically I felt good! I had decided to mix some Prolong into my water bottle (ask me for more info about that amazing product!) to see how well it would work for me... Love it! I felt energized and strong. Usually by mile 6, I have to take one of my GU gel packs, but not today! I was feeling physically strong until mile 9 or 10 and didn't want that to change so I had my GU. I'm not even sure that this helped because by mile 11 all I could think about was quitting.  I couldn't get into a good mental rhythm without my music. I was desperately wishing I had a running buddy with me this morning, someone to help push me through the fast approaching wall I was about to hit. There is a turn on this route that always tricks me! When I hit it, I always think I am so much closer to home than I am :( At this point, I started to make small goals for myself... just get to the next stop light or driveway. Each goal was .25 mile to .5 miles away. This was working well until mile 13 when it felt like someone grabbed a hold of my shirt as I was trying to run forward. My feet felt as if they each weighted twenty pounds and my legs were on fire. Their she was... the "wall!" I smacked so hard into her that I almost fell over backwards ;) I literally had to drag my feet inch by inch down the last 2 mile stretch of the route. I was telling myself I was light as a feather or that I was flying, lol, but nothing was working! This time my goal was just to make it the next twenty feet, then the next twenty, and so on. I could have not been more relieved to see my apartment complex up ahead! I had survived yet another PR :) 16.68 miles is the furthest I have ever ran... woohoo!

     Although I had set a PR, I was a little disappointed about how it went. It made me start to doubt my ability to run 26.2 miles! But with the help of my friends, I was reassured that I would be just fine :) Not all of our runs can be great and its the tough ones that we learn the most from! So as much as I wish this run went a lot smoother, Ive actually have learned a great deal. This coming week my long run is tapered down to 12 miles while my weekly runs increase to 5, 8, and 5 :) I'm excited to get this week started. Hopefully I will gain tons of momentum and confidence to carry me into next week's training!

NOTES of the DAY:
* Temperature: 78 degrees
*Song of the Day: "I'm a Thug" by Trick Daddy ;)
*Tip of the Day: Try Prolong while you are running or cycling! It helps sustain performance with dual-source carbohydrates and electrolytes. It has a 2:1 carbohydrate-to-protein ratio with ultra pure whey protein isolate helps reduce muscle breakdown during exercise.
*Quote of the Day: "Sometimes, when I'm racing, the thing that keeps my mind off the discomfort I am feeling is the story I will tell about it when I'm finished."

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saving grace?!

I had been looking forward to this run all week! My runs this week had all felt great so I had positive thoughts for this 14.5 mile run. However, I woke up with a heavy heart... Two months ago today, a very important person walked away leaving me with a million questions and a horrendous feeling of worthlessness. As I began the search for answers and desperately trying to find myself, I ran head first into this crazy thing called running! I'd been training for just a few short weeks at the time but my head had been so clouded before that running felt like a chore. I needed something to temporarily fill a void but at the same time allow me to discover who I was... Running has been one of my saving graces since then- offering a sense of comfort, accountability, honesty, and passion. I was hoping this saving grace would help me lighten my heart this morning so that my run would be smooth, but I think "Grace" and I were fighting today because she was nowhere to be found ;)
I started off feeling slow and the three newly formed blisters from this weeks runs were painful from the beginning (thanks to my new shoes!) I knew after a few miles I would forget about them, as long as I didn't stop!! I must have zoned out for a mile or two because when I came back to reality I had passed my turn by several blocks, gah! The only way back would add on at least another mile. Sure a mile is a relatively small distance; however, when its already stamped in your mind that you are going to run 14.5, any amount of additionaly distance is mentally deflating. But I had no choice at this point, so I pushed on! The thought of adding additional mileage, my still heavy heart, and not-so-light feet got the best of me. I just couldn't get into a rhythm or zone back out. Even at my favorite spot out in the desert, there was no sense of serenity or peace like the week prior. Just a flood of emotions as I peaked the crest of the hill- frustration, sadness, and determination mixed with many others. I tried some visualization and mental tricks I have been reading about, but nothing worked. I was just not meant to have a good run today... bottom line. It felt as if my run would never end and even my GU gel packs didn't provide the pick-me-up they usually do!  Somehow I kept my feet moving and made it home. The additional mileage brought my run to 15.69 miles... which is a PR for me! Longest I have ever ran in my whole life... until next weeks 16 or so! I also took my first icebath EVER!! My dear friend, Wonder Woman, does this after her long runs so I decided to try it out :) My long run will have to be mid-week next week so I wanted to make sure my legs were as fresh as they could be. The icebath wasn't as bad as I thought it would be so I may try it again next week :)
Well, here's to next week's long run being more successful than today! Have a good week

NOTES of the DAY:
*Temperature: 70 degrees
*Song of the day: "Drop the World" by Lil Wayne
*Tip of the day: Accept and appreciate the fact that not every single run can be a good one. (working on this one lol)
*Quote of the day: "We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves...The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable."

Saturday, August 13, 2011


What a great day! I woke up this morning at 4am to prepare for my 13.5 mile run. Im getting down to business with trying to figure out a regular pre-long run routine! I have 71 days until race day and I want it to go as smooth as possible. So I chowed down on a protein bar, had a glass of water mixed with some Niteworks (great for pre-workout as it helps open up the blood vessels and improve circulation), and a handful of "magic beans" aka chocolate covered espresso beans- for a little extra kick! I did some light stretching while I got everything ready to go: double-knotted laces? I-pod set to my new playlist (starting out with 'Momma Sed' of course!)? Two vanilla bean flavored GU gel packs? Watch? And sunglasses for later in the run? CHECK!! And out the door I went!!
It was about 4:45am when I hit the pavement! I didn't take into consideration that at this time its pitch black outside- with limited lighting from street lights- so I stumbled my way for the first few miles, dodging cars and potholes. Some streets here are neither runner nor cyclist friendly, Christopher- maybe I should start a petition down here as well?! ;)
Although I couldn't see well, my run was great from the start! I wasn't too concerned with how fast I could run it, I just wanted to feel good the whole time- and that I did! Might have been the "magic beans' or it might have been the positive thoughts I have had all week and especially during my run. I had extended my favorite route a little further to cover the extra mile or two, so I ran past the infamous 4th Avenue and University Boulevard (which are becoming a few of my favorite places here) then back out west towards the desert! Just before hitting the city limits I checked my watch- 18:35... What?! No way! I have been running for longer than that. I fumbled with the buttons a little and nothing. Damn- dead battery. For a minute I was a little stressed but continued on. With in a few minutes, I felt an enormous sense of relief. Not having to feel the pressure of the running clock was amazing! I was just running to run. I knew my route and that's all that mattered- what a great feeling! I later found out that it was in fact working and keeping my time because I finished in 2:08. Not as fast as my first half in KC but this route was also more difficult AND .4 miles longer ;)
As I was hitting mile 7, I came to my favorite spot on the route- a place I have mentioned before- where there are no signs of life. Just as I reached the top of the hill, my breath was taken away by the scenery! It was different than the last two times I had been there. I was in the middle of the desert and in front of me were rolling hills covered in dark-green vegetation, fog covered mountains in the distance, and an almost perfect blue sky. It was then that a calming, peace came over me. I realized at that point that I was okay with the rocks (in my life) being unturned and with the ones slowly sliding perfectly into place. Everything in my life was happening for a reason and in the way it should be. It was perfect...
Finished my run just as strongly as I started! Once again I am looking forward to another week of training... 14.5 miles next week :) Positive thoughts that all of next week's runs will be as successful as this weeks!

NOTES of the DAY:
*Temperature: 71
*Song of the Day: "Better Naked" by Ida Maria
*Tip of the Day: "Don't get greedy. Training for a marathon isn't like cramming for a test. That is, doing more miles than you're used to in the last few weeks will hurt--not help--your race. Even if you're feeling great, don't up the ante and increase your training. This is the time when many runners have been at it for two months or more and are becoming used to a certain level of training. Draw strength from the hard work you've put in.
*Quote of the Day: "Be brave and be patient. Have faith in yourself; trust in the significance of your life and the purpose of your passion. You are strong enough to sit in the space between spaces and allow divine inspiration to shed some light. When you put positive energy and productive effort into the world it will come back to you. Occasionally in ways you might not immediately understand and on a time frame you didn’t expect. Look. Listen. Learn. Stay open. Your destiny is awaiting you." -Jillian Michaels

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Rekindled Love

After Thursday's 5 mile run, I was certain what I had thought was the the new love of my life had turned out to be merely a fling! This run was awarded "Top 3 Most Difficult" runs I have had while being down here. Now granted, I had a few decent 1-mile averages-- an 8:45 and an 8:35, and I finished the 5 miles in about 45 minutes. Maybe this was the cause of my misery or maybe it was the fact that every muscle in my core ached and was so sore that it hurt to run and breath, ha!  Two days prior, I took a 30 minute core class at a Golds Gym- the lady kicked my a**! Obviously this is an area I need to work on, lol. Either way, this run left me with a bad taste in my mouth. It made me start questioning my ability to stay focued on this training and even made me question whether I could handle the "little" 8 mile run I had today. I say "little" because I ran 12 last week and am scheduled to run 13 miles next week. Four whole miles less qualifies it as that!

I missed one run this week- a 4 miler, but I am already scheduling to make it up sometime this week. I didn't miss my treamill sprints, however :) I would have to say that I very much enjoy these! It keeps things interesting and challenging! You can really push yourself as hard as you would like- to the point of wantng to throw up makes you a badass, just fyi! I mean if you can't handle that, how are you going to handle 4 hours of continious running or better yet- the conditions of an ultra marathong?! (more no these later!) So I completed 10x 400m sprints while being entertained by some guy playing air guitar on the handrails of his stairmaster- to no music whatsoever, except what might have been in his head! As unusal and entertaining as this is, he has nothing on some of the other stuff I have seen down here! Guess the warm weather brings out the "best" in people HA ;)

I woke up somewhat dreading today's run. I still wasn't there mentally even though I tried to force myself to get prepared. I even watched the opening scene to Chariots of Fire to get my mind right (did not work..) I typically start my long run at about 445-5am (to beat some of the heat), but today I pushed it back almost to 6! I just couldn't make myself get going. As I made my way down the street into my first turn, I felt surprisingly good... legs felt strong and my stride was smooth. This instantly lifted my spirits and thoughts and from there on out my run continued to be smooth! I ran across a few hills from last week but knocked them out of the way with no problem. Maybe a little mental vacation from running was what I needed. I needed to realize what I was missing before I could appreciate it once again. Running and I have trust and a mutual understanding of one another ;) I need it and it needs me. Its amazing when love is mutual! I feel refreshed and ready to continue on with my training. :) Next up? 13 miles (next weekend)... eh, make that at LEAST 13.1, maybe even 13.5 :) I'm ready!!

NOTES of the DAY:
* Temperature: 81 degrees
*Song of the Day: "Bleed It Out" by Linkin Park
*Tip of the Day:  "In a long run there are always peaks and valleys. If you're not into it, just keep going and chances are that the low feeling will pass." -Pam Reed
*Quote of the Day:  "I always loved running... it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs." -Paula Radcliffe

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hello friends! Yesterday was the long-awaited day! A few posts back I stated that I would reward myself with pancakes after my 12 mile run... I did just that :) They were well worth the wait! I found a place called The Good Egg down here in Tucson. Its basically First Watch, Tucson-style. The pancakes were delicious and so was the cinnamon roll :) Hey! I did just run 12 freakin miles, lol.

Lets take a few steps backward and update you on the past few weeks' events! My 11 mile run last weekend was pretty good. I ran the same route as the previous week; however, the only animals I came across were deer and rabbits- I felt like I was back home in the Midwest :) I thought I would push my 11 miles to 12 but by the time I got to 10.5 I think my body knew how close to home I was and wouldn't let me go any further! I completed a 6 mile run mid-week through the beautiful U of A campus... makes a run a whole lot easier when the scenery is gorgeous! The campus is huge... so much of it I still haven't seen. Can't wait to explore more of it!
   I FINALLY attempted to "tackle" this Tumamoc Hill I have been talking about for awhile. It is a "hill" that the University does research on, so it is closed during the day. I rode my bike about 2 miles to the hill thinking I was early enough to avoid the ground- I was definitely wrong about that! It is 3.1 miles from the bottom to the top and back down. My thought was that I would RUN the entire distance. If you don't remember, this hill's path is at about a 45 degree angle... for the first quarter of the way. When you hit the "half way to the top point" it then becomes 55 or 60 degrees!! I ran the first 1/8 and then walked pretty much to the top... it was THAT tough! I'm not sure even elite marathoners could tackle that with ease, YIKES!! Needless to say, I made it to the top- Wow, was it worth it! The view from the top is incredible!! You can see every inch of Tucson from the top of Tumamoc Hill... now that was breath-taking whether you like the desert or not :) I ran all the way back down, zig-zagging as much as I could, hoping to take some of the impact off my body. My next attempt will be next week. I'm hoping to "run" a bit more of it next week!

     On Thursday, I found a track to run some of my 400m sprints on. And OF course, there was a high school football practice going on! I wanted so badly to run routes with the receivers and show them whats up :) At one point, a football bounced over my way. I thought twice about throwing it over their head and across the field (like the lady did in A League of Their Own, lol) and surprising everyone but I resisted that temptation- instead I threw a perfect spiral back to the boys ;) I haven't missed football all that much until that day... it was hot and muggy and smelled like a turf field. That definitely brought up some memories! But instead of joining, I continued with my 400m sprints followed by a few 100m sprints. It was really nice mixing it up from the usual routine :)

  My twelve mile run had a rough start. I was a little more tired than normal, but after a few miles I settled in okay. I mapped out a slightly different route- again, not knowing what it actually looked like. I was nearing mile 3 when I began to realize that this wasn't going to be just another "easy" run. The further I got into my run the more hills I was seeing! Wait, a minute... I thought I was running in Tucson... a relatively flat area? NOPE! I think I found 80% of the hills in Tucson... one after another, gah! Obviously, this is great for my training, but when you are not prepared it definitely can be tough mentally! By the end of mile 8 and hill #6, I was pretty much done. I had a GU gel that gave me a little boost which was nice! Also, I used the motivation I got from the last two books I read (Running Hot by Lisa Tamati and The Extra Mile by Pam Reed) to keep me pushing forward. These two ladies are Ultrarunners :) and my new inspiration! They are pretty much ultimate badasses- of course, besides Mandy Beltz ;) They have completed some outrageous races-Badwater in Death Valley, several Ironmans, and crazy desert marathons. I kept thinking during my runs that "its just 12 miles! That's nothing compared to what they have done. Step it up, B! If you think you could possibly do what they do, you better be able to handle a short 12 mile run!" So my inner "rage" kicked in and I finished out the 12 miles in about 1:55.  If I want to achieve my ultimate goal of completing the marathon under 4:00, I need to improve drastically!

To finish out this month, I ran a total of 96 miles :) Next week's long run is only 8 miles then it continues to increase week to week. I love my training so far! I am seeing incredible results, physically and mentally. I look forward to ever run that I have for many reasons but my favorite is that it is a form of therapy for me. Its a chance for me to get away from the world and to dwell in my thoughts and feelings about everything going on in my life. I can sort out my life if I wish or I can choose to ignore it completely- for the moment. This entire adventure, including my training, has been a life-changing one. I am trying my best to embrace it and learn everything I can from it!  :)

NOTES of the Day:
* Temperature: 78-81 degrees
* Song of the Day: "Special Pets" by Otep
*Tip of the Day:  Try a GU gel pack
*Quote of the Day: "Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lizards, Coyotes, Javalinas...oh my!

Such a beautiful run on Saturday :) I had 10 miles to cover but pushed it to eleven! Eleven miles fit perfectly with the direction I wanted to go- west towards Saguaro National Park. I wanted to get close to the mountains- of course, they are not my beloved green mountains of Colorado, but they are mountains none-the-less :) This run is my favorite by far! I headed out my usual direction but instead of cutting in front of Tumamoc Hill-which still has yet to be tackled- I kept heading west. The "fun" thing about mapping out a route in unfamiliar territory is that you never know what you will encounter...

A large portion of Tucson is boring and flat; however, this particular route was not! The first 2 miles started out flat and then all of sudden came the unexpected rolling hills... one hill after another!! It was a nice change of pace and offered a little challenge ;) They took me closer and closer to the mountains and into the middle of the desert. At one point I thought I had missed my turn and was a little nervous that I would be stuck in the middle of the desert, miles away from home. As I was strategizing a way to get myself back home, I had to stop to tie my shoe (I forgot to double-knot them). When doing so, I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye. To my suprise, I saw a brown, hairy PIG just twenty feet away! A pig? In the desert? I then realized that there wasn't just one pig, but at least a dozen!! Without moving much, I stared in amazement, lol. I thought maybe they were wild boar and was worried they might attack haha. I have since learned that the desert, pig-looking creature is called a "javalina." They didn't get any closer and neither did I. Pigs can be "cute" but these things certainly were not. I finished double-knotting my shoes and darted off... occasionally checking behind me to make sure they were not in chase! (what a story that would be, lol) As I made my way back towards the city, I saw yet another creature crossing the road! You see, on a recent hike, I had made comments of wanting to see some desert wildlife-besides lizards... well, I got my share during my run because that creature crossing the street was a coyote! I slowed my pace as to not get too close, but luckily it didn't even notice me and continued on through the desert. I guess I got my wish granted! As far out in the desert I was and the way things were going I wouldn't have been suprised if I ran across a rattlesnack!! For entertainment purposes, I wouldn't mind... as long as it was from a great distance, ha! I didn't run across one, this time! But I plan on running the same route this coming Saturday, so who knows :)

After my mini zoo adventure, things went smoothly. The scenery was amazing! I was out in the desert by myself and for about a mile stretch there were no signs of civilization- no houses, commerical buildings or cars. Occasionally I could see a telephone pole, but from a distance they looked like another cactus sticking out of the ground. Its kind of creepy to see all the cacti in the middle of the desert- they resemble tombstones or crosses in a cemetary. Which if you really think about it, the metaphor fits quite nicely! And it was after that thought that I quickened my pace ...

I returned home safely and in a good time! This run has made me excited for the many miles to come. I plan on getting closer and closer to these mountains- and with a 20 or 22 mile run in the future, I will do just that! I just hope those runs will be as exciting and successful as this one! Less than 100 days left...

*Temperature: 68 degrees
*Song of the day: "Father Figure" by George Michael... go ahead and laugh :)
*Tip of the day: Make running fun: Turn a workout with a partner into a contest or a game; do your errands on the run; try running backwards.
*Quote of the day: "You don't stop running because you get old. You get old because you stop running."

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Against The Wind

Goodness, life is just crazy! We are always against the wind. One minute you're facing raging winds, debris in your face, and your soaking wet. Then next minute the wind is at your back, helping along the road of life, lifting you up on cloud 9! Eh, not quite 9... how about cloud 4 or 5? ;) Then you blink and the gusts of wind pick back up and once again you begin a slow army crawl to reach a safe place, out of the storm. What do you do to handle the windy times of our lives? You keep on, keepin' on! Keep your chin up (as Mandy, Christopher, and Eric always tell me) ... and RUN!

The last week has been great as far as training goes! The weekly mileage increased this week. I had two- 3 mile runs, a 5 mile run, and my long run was 8 :) Shorter runs were smooth and fast. I enjoyed increasing one of my weekly runs to 5 miles this week. Added a few more miles to my total- which I like! I had mentioned adding more cross-training/ cycling to my training schedule. I did just that but the distance and how often was not by choice, lol! I started another job down here and my only means of transportation are my legs... and the bike I borrowed. I calculated the distance to be 8.5 miles one way and obviously an additional 8.5 miles to return home.. gah!!!  I grunt and groan through the whole 17 miles each day, but on a very positive note: I will seriously have legs AND buns of steel in no time :) Who can complain about that, right?!!

My long run this week went well. I had to switch up days and run it on Friday rather than Saturday, but it worked out well! Each week I see more and more of Tucson because of this run. The 8 miles took me a little closer to the mountains this week :) It started off a little slow but I finally settled in at about the 3 mile mark and had a smooth run until mile 6 or so. I hit a small wall at mile 6.5. I think part of that had to do with the clouds of smoke I was having to inhale due to a near by house fire! Even with it being monsoon season, everything is SO dry here... I managed to kick down the wall and finish strong with the last 2 mile loop around downtown, again. 8 miles was great, but I'm looking forward to the TEN miles next week!! I might try a whole different route next week to keep things interesting and exciting. Should be fun!

My mom comes to visit this week for my birthday... YAY, a familiar and loving face! What a great week to come :) Of course, I will stay on top of my training like a good little runner! Hope you all have a had a great week. Hopefully it won't be another week before I get to write again! Until then, I'll keep, keepin on- against the wind...

*Temperature: 74
*Song of the Day: "Against the Wind" by Bob Segar
*Tip of the Day: Try the G.U. gel packs! They are great during a run. Vanilla bean is my favorite :)
*Quote of the Day: "Attitude is the way you mentally look at the world around you. It is how you view your environment and your future. It is the focus you develop toward life itself."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just something I read and wanted to share...

I ran across this in one of my books this weekend and wanted to share it :

"The prelude to a marathon is one of life's strangest yet most vivid times. It is a time of intensity yet relaxation, apprehension yet resolve; a time of deeply introspective solitude in the midst of the biggest jostling throng most of us will ever join. So many people, intent on a seperate inward commitment, but united in one common physical endeaver. Our motive is private, the context public. We are strangers who are instant comrades, competitors bonded by the shared knowledge that we are all about to understake one of the hardest tasks in our lives. Ahead lie strenuous effort, weariness, and pain, but we will endure it all voluntarily, for the sheer enjoyment of trying.

The communal atmosphere before the start is tense, like an army awaiting the order to enter battle, because the marathon is a contest- and each runner will be tested. Yet the mood is also ebullient and exhilarating, like a troupe of actors before a performance, because the marathon is also a drama- and each runner's story will be part of the action.

The visible scene would surely baffle any unsuspecting Martian astronomer who happened to focus on it. Over a sprawling space of open ground wanders a huge swirling crowd of humans, of both genders and all races, ages, and sizes, nervous yet peaceful, who seem confined there yet are free to go; they are diverse and idsorganized yet all wearing numbers, some grouped in teams but most alone; many with bare legs, covered in old shirts or plastic garbage bags to keep out the weather, yet who also wear expensive shoes and complex watches, milling about without direction; engaged in sperate idiosyncratic rituals of shuffling and stretching, all lining up to enter-one by one- a row of wobbly little boxes; and somehow all coordinated and ready when the moment arrives to move together up to the start.

It seems a very strange business, but somehow it works. Once experienced, it is never forgotten." - a page from 26.2 Marathon Stories by Kathrine Switzer and Roger Robinson

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bring it on!

 I've been waiting in anticipation all week for this 7 mile run! I even checked out a few extra running books from teh library to keep my mind focused. However, after having a sad day and night last night, my mind wasn't where it needed to be. I woke up intimidated by the "long run" that awaited me.  Instead of trying to force myself into "game mode" I decided to let the vents of my life be the focus of today's run. It was a great idea! I was so focued on figuring out my life and developing a game plan for the next couple months (but occassionally tuning into my body) that I had a very successful and EASY 7 mile run. :)
   There is nothing like hitting the road while the sun is still coming up, empty streets, and warm air hitting your body- just you, the pavement, and your thoughts! An escape from reality can really replenish your mind, body, and spirit... I feel new and alive today :)
   Tucson is the home of the University of Arizona. I have driven passed the campus a hundred times since being down here but you can see so much more on foot! So I mapped out my run to take me by campus... I must say its rather pretty! Green grass, palm trees, and practice and game facilities for every sport from football and diving to tennis and gymnastics. I was quite impressed! I didn't get to tour the entire campus-it is rather large, ha- but I think i will map out next week's long run to weave in and out of campus :) I'm already excited about it!
   A few of my weekly runs will increase this week and I have decided to incorporate more sprints/intervals and some hill training. That "small" hill I mentioned a few posts back, Tumamoc hill? I will be attempting to conquer her on a weekly basis- stay tuned for further posts regarding that. It should be pretty interesting! I believe her incline is at a consistent 45 degree angle... BRING IT ON! From the words of Mary J. Bleige, "She ain't got nothing on me!" ;)
   I finished out the month of June running a total of 64 miles. Not too bad! Hopefully July will double that :) Sick, huh? Who thinks like that? Just a month ago I was dreading an "easy 3." Oh, the mentality of a runner... :-D
   Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Independence Day :)

*Temperature: currently 106 degrees
*Song of the Day: "Strip Me" by Natasha Beddingfeld
*Tip of the Day:  Run the tangents. A tangent is a straight line that touches a curve. Certified road race courses are measured by the tangents. If you run the tangents, you are running the actual measured race distance rather than the normal, LONGER course of the road.
*Quote of the Day: "Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." - Dr. George Sheehan

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tucson is hot... FYI

    Pancakes. Biscuits and gravy. More sleep... those were the first things on my mind this mornig. I listened to my body on needing more sleep so I "slept in" an extra half hour! But considering the temperature outside had risen ten degrees or more in that short amount of time, I am now thinking it may not have been such a good idea. As for my breakfast cravings, I chose half a protein bar and a glass of water instead- that would have to do! Plus, didn't I just make a statement that reaching your goals is 80% nutrition? I can't go back on that already! ;-) My pancakes would have to wait until I can reward myself after a really long run- let's say after my 12-mile run, deal? :-D
     The last three days of training have been great! Monday I ran 3.5 miles in 29 minutes. I felt pretty strong and "fast." I ran a similar route as last week taking me by Tumamoc Hill. I just needed to size her up again and let her know that she is about to be conquered :) Tuesday was a cross-training day. I went to use the "new" treadmill in my apartment's little "rec room" instead of heading off to the track to do my 400 meter sprints. Bad idea! The belt kept sliding underneath my feet so I had to hold on- not ideal. Then as my third interval was nearing completion the "new" treadmill shutoff completely, midrun- luckily I was holding on!! What in the world? I thought maybe I had hit a secret "shutoff mid-run" button or maybe I jarred the plug-in loose. I jumped off, checked the dumb thing from top to bottom, and even turned it off and back on-still nothing. Damn... So I chose to lift instead :) I also knew I was going to ride my bike home from the club later that night so that would work for my cross-training! I only almost died once on my journey home- dumb cars!! I made the 5.5-6 mile ride in about about 28-29... not too bad, right? It's been a minute since I rode a bike and I was kindly reminded of how great a workout it is! I will be incorporating more biking into my workouts, for sure :)
    Today's run was a little physically challenging only because my pace was a little fast, it was REALLY hot, and I had no water. I got a huge side cramp at about mile marker 2.5 and it lasted the whole rest of the way. It slowed me down a little but I decided to "suck it up" and kept pushing through! Mentally I was strong and resilient :) It felt great to push through and still finish my 4 miles under 40 minutes. I'm ready for my short 3 mile run tomorrow and my SEVEN mile long run on Saturday :) Bring on the miles!

NOTES of the DAY:
*Temperature: HOT ;)
*Song of the Day: Look At Me Now- Karmin version
*Tip of the Day: Watermelon is just as hydrating as good old H2O. (runnersworld.com)
*Quote of the Day: "Never are my senses more engaged than when the pain sets in." - Dean Karnazes :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Decisions, decisions, decisions

         Life is full of decisions-too many decisions. Its great that we have the will to choose what, when, why, where, and how. But how do we know if those decisions are the RIGHT decisions, not just another bad decision in a long line of bad decisions? Will we ever figure that out?
         Right now I can firmly state that the only "good" decision that I have made in the past two months is to train for a marathon. I could provide proof and support that this decision was a 100% guaranteed good decision. A few non-runners may beg to differ, but my heart tells me its not. As far as all other decisions, I guess only time and a little (make that A LOT) of prayer will tell.
      Why was the decision to run a marathon a great idea? Oh, let me count the ways... ;)
   1.) I LOVE a challenge- especially a physical one! Not only is this a physical challenge but more so a mental one. Just as my body has to be at peak performance, so does my mind. What better way than to push your body and mind to handle the pain and emotions of running for FOUR hours straight...
   2.) My body's transformation- I have always been a "big girl", "thick", "muscular", etc. Sure, I needed that size for football- so I accepted it. However, deep down it has always been a struggle for me. It doesn't feel good to be called thick, etc. I didn't see much change while training for the half marathon, but I also wasn't focused on my nutrition. And incase you all didn't know, it goes like this:    80% nutrition, 10% training, 10% genetics will help you reach your goals-whatever they may be. A large portion of society believes or trains as if 80% is training and 20% is nutrition/diet.... Go hit the gym really hard for a week and in the meantime, eat your french fries, snickers bar, and Mt. Dew! Come back to me and tell me the results you've seen-positive ones that is. Results that don't include fatigue, digestive issues, and maybe even weight gain! Now, if you make a few changes in your "diet" or nutrition, making that as big a priority as your training, positive changes will occur. Trust me! In two weeks, I've lost 5.5 pounds and 2% body fat :) The greatest part is that I still have 3.5 more months of training...woohoo!
      3.) Keeping me busy, keeping me active, and relieving stress. It doesn't cost to go outside and run. Just lace up some old sneakers and hit the pavement. It relieves so much stress and is a great form of therapy (so is writing.) And it's something a lot of people can relate to! Please share with me WHY YOU RUN?! :)
   That's my proof as to why this decision was a GOOD one :) I'm sure I could find many more reasons but I will leave it at that for now! Tomorrow's post will be about the last few days of training... it's still going well :)

*Temperature: 85 degrees by 6:00am
*Song of the Day: Who Says by Selena Gomez
*Tip of the Day: You know you're a runner when: your calf muscles are bigger than your biceps, you correct others that a marathon is really 26 POINT TWO miles, and you use "easy run" and "five miles" in the same sentence. :)
*Quote of the Day: "Everyone benefits from running, both in ways they recognize and in ways they don't. One thing that almost always happens is that your sense of self-worth improves. You accept yourself a little better."  - Ted Corbitt
*Quote of the Day:

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Two weeks down...

Hoy seis millas :) What a great morning run! In my last blog, I confidently stated that I would "smoke this run" and I did just that!
I was a little anxious about my run this morning so I couldn't fall asleep... then I was getting stressed about not getting enough sleep and having a good run! ( I thought this running thing was supposed to relieve stress ha). But miraculously I woke up at 4:30am ready to go. After chowing down on a protein bar and filling my water bottle with a lift off and H30, I was out the door- taking my own advice from last week about fueling up and hydrating during my run!
I mapped out a completely new route for this morning. Most of my route took me on the West side of Tucson towards Saguero National Park passing Tumamoc Hill (a hill I will eventually conquer!) and finishing up with a one mile jog around the Tucson Convention Center (downtown). I felt strong the whole run with maybe one or two side cramps- happens when you run at a faster pace than you are used to! New music, a ready attitude, and fresh legs also helped me along the way. This run today completes two full weeks of marathon training so far :) My endurance is changing and my body is transforming... I love it :) Slightly rocky two weeks so far, but I look forward to the following weeks with excitement!

NOTES of the DAY:
*Temperature-79 degrees
*Song of the Day- "Tonight, Tonight" by Hot Chelle Rae
*Tip of the Day- Since running can cause your muscles to tighten, try doing Pilates, which stretches and strengthens the core. Pilates helps increase strength and flexibility- your form won't fall apart when you get tired.
*Quote of the Day- "Mind is everything; muscles, mere pieces of rubber. All that I am, I am because of my mind." -Paavo Nurmi