Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What does .2 mean?

It is only 3 days until the marathon. I wanted to share something I came across in one of my favorite books. I've been waiting until now to share it. I hope it sinks deep inside your soul like it does mine. Enjoy!

     ".2 is about completion. .2 is about having what it takes. .2 is about mastering pain. .2 is about getting it done. .2 is the "and over" of "up and over." .2 is about strength. .2 is about life."
     "If you have experienced .2, then you will never be the kind of person who does something "almost" or "half-assed." You will never hastily approve something that isn't done right. You will never take a shortcut on effort just because no one is watching. You will never say, "Eh, it doesn't matter." Because it does matter. If you have slogged or sprinted through the final .2 of a marathon, then you know intimately the difference between 26 and 26.2. And its not as simple as 200 meters.
     ".2 is the metaphorical distance between you and any finish line in your life, anything you have ever dreamed of doing or becoming. It's what's separating you from your truest, most authentic self and your most actualized life. It's what's worth thinking about, strategizing about, planning for, training for, and going for. "
     ".2 is simultaneously the end and the beginning. Because when we cross one finish line, we arrive at the next start line, carrying with us everything we learned from prior distance. Hopefully, we manage to drop a few unnecessary things that weigh us down along the way, making our journey lighter as we go along."-Kristen Armstrong, Mile Markers: The 26.2 Most Important Reasons Why Women Run

Thank you to everyone who has followed along, offered me words of encouragement and support! I would NEVER have been able to do this without you. I thank you from the very bottom of my heart!

Love always,



  1. 60 hours 12 minutes until gun time.

  2. You made it! It's here! It was fun to read along the way and now I'm glad I get to witness you actually doing it! This goes without saying, but good luck and we'll see you soon!

  3. Glad you got to make it out to the marathon! Hope you do well tmr!
