Monday, October 3, 2011

This little piggy went to the market...

I love "battle wounds!!" Whether it was nasty bruises post "Hit Day," scraped up shins from stealing bases, or a fat lip after getting elbowed during a basketball game, they are all proof of some sort of battle :) My feet (and body) have been fighting a long, hard battle since May, resulting in aching bones and joints, sore muscles, and mangled, purple toenails! The purple toenails have not been painful up until now... which is one reason why my 13.5 mile run on Saturday turned into 12!

After last week's 20 mile run, my body needed as much time to recover as possible. I was so physically and mentally exhausted from that run, all I could find the strength for was an 8 mile run on Wednesday. The run was a little difficult due to my still sore muscles and was *definitely* not the fastest 8 miles I have done. At this point, however, I just wanted to get the miles in. After finishing this run, I noticed the beginnings of yet another purple toenail :) In all my years of playing sports, I have never lost any toenails so, of course, I find it fascinating (haha)!  By the end of the marathon, I'm sure the number will easily amount to at least four. Yep, four of them- gone! I'll be sure to post pictures for everyone to enjoy ;)

Because of my toe pain,  the "easy" 13 mile tapered run was a bit more difficult then I had hoped. However, I would rather have dealt with that then the more serious heel pain I was dealing with last week. An update on that- my heel feels great! Occasionally I will notice a slight discomfort but it usually is mild and doesn't last long! Lets hope it keeps up :) Everything was a little off this last week as far as my training, nutritional habits, and sleep patterns, so I understand why this run wasn't as easy as I hoped. Part way through my run, I decided to cut it to 12 miles rather than the mapped out 13.5. This didn't bother me too much because the original training schedule had me only running 9 miles, so 12 was a bonus :) With only two weeks left, I'm getting back on track with my nutrition and hydration, and hopefully with sleeping as well. The remaining mileage has tapered greatly- 3, 5, 3, 8 mile runs this week! I'm excited about the tapering- I hope it will give me the adequate rest and recovery I am needing before the big day! Butterflies are already in my stomach as I write this blog today. My palms are sweaty and my heart is racing. Nervousness, excitement, and anticipation have been slowly filling me for weeks and weeks- I am ready to explode! I'm so ready to have my hard work and dedication pay off. This will be an incredible experience. I can't wait to soak up every amazing, emotional minute this adventure has in store for me :)

276 hours and counting... (I'm sure you already knew this, Layne!!)

NOTES of the DAY:
*Temperature: 69 degrees
*Song of the Day: "Sin with a Grin" by Shinedown
*Tip of the Day: I met a lady the other day who told me she used to run marathons but developed knee and ankle problems. I thought she was going to put down running but she continued on saying she tried long distance swimming and cycling which were both fun! But she finished our conversation with "There is nothing like running. None of it compares." I would agree. Try running: try to learn to like it, enjoy it,  and need it. There is nothing else like it.
*Quote of the Day: " I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." -Winston Churchill


  1. Gnarly! You've earned it! See you soon!

  2. Ha! You know me...I am always aware of the count down. 207 hours and 2 minutes.... :)
