Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hello friends! Yesterday was the long-awaited day! A few posts back I stated that I would reward myself with pancakes after my 12 mile run... I did just that :) They were well worth the wait! I found a place called The Good Egg down here in Tucson. Its basically First Watch, Tucson-style. The pancakes were delicious and so was the cinnamon roll :) Hey! I did just run 12 freakin miles, lol.

Lets take a few steps backward and update you on the past few weeks' events! My 11 mile run last weekend was pretty good. I ran the same route as the previous week; however, the only animals I came across were deer and rabbits- I felt like I was back home in the Midwest :) I thought I would push my 11 miles to 12 but by the time I got to 10.5 I think my body knew how close to home I was and wouldn't let me go any further! I completed a 6 mile run mid-week through the beautiful U of A campus... makes a run a whole lot easier when the scenery is gorgeous! The campus is huge... so much of it I still haven't seen. Can't wait to explore more of it!
   I FINALLY attempted to "tackle" this Tumamoc Hill I have been talking about for awhile. It is a "hill" that the University does research on, so it is closed during the day. I rode my bike about 2 miles to the hill thinking I was early enough to avoid the ground- I was definitely wrong about that! It is 3.1 miles from the bottom to the top and back down. My thought was that I would RUN the entire distance. If you don't remember, this hill's path is at about a 45 degree angle... for the first quarter of the way. When you hit the "half way to the top point" it then becomes 55 or 60 degrees!! I ran the first 1/8 and then walked pretty much to the top... it was THAT tough! I'm not sure even elite marathoners could tackle that with ease, YIKES!! Needless to say, I made it to the top- Wow, was it worth it! The view from the top is incredible!! You can see every inch of Tucson from the top of Tumamoc Hill... now that was breath-taking whether you like the desert or not :) I ran all the way back down, zig-zagging as much as I could, hoping to take some of the impact off my body. My next attempt will be next week. I'm hoping to "run" a bit more of it next week!

     On Thursday, I found a track to run some of my 400m sprints on. And OF course, there was a high school football practice going on! I wanted so badly to run routes with the receivers and show them whats up :) At one point, a football bounced over my way. I thought twice about throwing it over their head and across the field (like the lady did in A League of Their Own, lol) and surprising everyone but I resisted that temptation- instead I threw a perfect spiral back to the boys ;) I haven't missed football all that much until that day... it was hot and muggy and smelled like a turf field. That definitely brought up some memories! But instead of joining, I continued with my 400m sprints followed by a few 100m sprints. It was really nice mixing it up from the usual routine :)

  My twelve mile run had a rough start. I was a little more tired than normal, but after a few miles I settled in okay. I mapped out a slightly different route- again, not knowing what it actually looked like. I was nearing mile 3 when I began to realize that this wasn't going to be just another "easy" run. The further I got into my run the more hills I was seeing! Wait, a minute... I thought I was running in Tucson... a relatively flat area? NOPE! I think I found 80% of the hills in Tucson... one after another, gah! Obviously, this is great for my training, but when you are not prepared it definitely can be tough mentally! By the end of mile 8 and hill #6, I was pretty much done. I had a GU gel that gave me a little boost which was nice! Also, I used the motivation I got from the last two books I read (Running Hot by Lisa Tamati and The Extra Mile by Pam Reed) to keep me pushing forward. These two ladies are Ultrarunners :) and my new inspiration! They are pretty much ultimate badasses- of course, besides Mandy Beltz ;) They have completed some outrageous races-Badwater in Death Valley, several Ironmans, and crazy desert marathons. I kept thinking during my runs that "its just 12 miles! That's nothing compared to what they have done. Step it up, B! If you think you could possibly do what they do, you better be able to handle a short 12 mile run!" So my inner "rage" kicked in and I finished out the 12 miles in about 1:55.  If I want to achieve my ultimate goal of completing the marathon under 4:00, I need to improve drastically!

To finish out this month, I ran a total of 96 miles :) Next week's long run is only 8 miles then it continues to increase week to week. I love my training so far! I am seeing incredible results, physically and mentally. I look forward to ever run that I have for many reasons but my favorite is that it is a form of therapy for me. Its a chance for me to get away from the world and to dwell in my thoughts and feelings about everything going on in my life. I can sort out my life if I wish or I can choose to ignore it completely- for the moment. This entire adventure, including my training, has been a life-changing one. I am trying my best to embrace it and learn everything I can from it!  :)

NOTES of the Day:
* Temperature: 78-81 degrees
* Song of the Day: "Special Pets" by Otep
*Tip of the Day:  Try a GU gel pack
*Quote of the Day: "Obsessed is a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated."

Monday, July 18, 2011

Lizards, Coyotes, Javalinas...oh my!

Such a beautiful run on Saturday :) I had 10 miles to cover but pushed it to eleven! Eleven miles fit perfectly with the direction I wanted to go- west towards Saguaro National Park. I wanted to get close to the mountains- of course, they are not my beloved green mountains of Colorado, but they are mountains none-the-less :) This run is my favorite by far! I headed out my usual direction but instead of cutting in front of Tumamoc Hill-which still has yet to be tackled- I kept heading west. The "fun" thing about mapping out a route in unfamiliar territory is that you never know what you will encounter...

A large portion of Tucson is boring and flat; however, this particular route was not! The first 2 miles started out flat and then all of sudden came the unexpected rolling hills... one hill after another!! It was a nice change of pace and offered a little challenge ;) They took me closer and closer to the mountains and into the middle of the desert. At one point I thought I had missed my turn and was a little nervous that I would be stuck in the middle of the desert, miles away from home. As I was strategizing a way to get myself back home, I had to stop to tie my shoe (I forgot to double-knot them). When doing so, I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye. To my suprise, I saw a brown, hairy PIG just twenty feet away! A pig? In the desert? I then realized that there wasn't just one pig, but at least a dozen!! Without moving much, I stared in amazement, lol. I thought maybe they were wild boar and was worried they might attack haha. I have since learned that the desert, pig-looking creature is called a "javalina." They didn't get any closer and neither did I. Pigs can be "cute" but these things certainly were not. I finished double-knotting my shoes and darted off... occasionally checking behind me to make sure they were not in chase! (what a story that would be, lol) As I made my way back towards the city, I saw yet another creature crossing the road! You see, on a recent hike, I had made comments of wanting to see some desert wildlife-besides lizards... well, I got my share during my run because that creature crossing the street was a coyote! I slowed my pace as to not get too close, but luckily it didn't even notice me and continued on through the desert. I guess I got my wish granted! As far out in the desert I was and the way things were going I wouldn't have been suprised if I ran across a rattlesnack!! For entertainment purposes, I wouldn't mind... as long as it was from a great distance, ha! I didn't run across one, this time! But I plan on running the same route this coming Saturday, so who knows :)

After my mini zoo adventure, things went smoothly. The scenery was amazing! I was out in the desert by myself and for about a mile stretch there were no signs of civilization- no houses, commerical buildings or cars. Occasionally I could see a telephone pole, but from a distance they looked like another cactus sticking out of the ground. Its kind of creepy to see all the cacti in the middle of the desert- they resemble tombstones or crosses in a cemetary. Which if you really think about it, the metaphor fits quite nicely! And it was after that thought that I quickened my pace ...

I returned home safely and in a good time! This run has made me excited for the many miles to come. I plan on getting closer and closer to these mountains- and with a 20 or 22 mile run in the future, I will do just that! I just hope those runs will be as exciting and successful as this one! Less than 100 days left...

*Temperature: 68 degrees
*Song of the day: "Father Figure" by George Michael... go ahead and laugh :)
*Tip of the day: Make running fun: Turn a workout with a partner into a contest or a game; do your errands on the run; try running backwards.
*Quote of the day: "You don't stop running because you get old. You get old because you stop running."

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Against The Wind

Goodness, life is just crazy! We are always against the wind. One minute you're facing raging winds, debris in your face, and your soaking wet. Then next minute the wind is at your back, helping along the road of life, lifting you up on cloud 9! Eh, not quite 9... how about cloud 4 or 5? ;) Then you blink and the gusts of wind pick back up and once again you begin a slow army crawl to reach a safe place, out of the storm. What do you do to handle the windy times of our lives? You keep on, keepin' on! Keep your chin up (as Mandy, Christopher, and Eric always tell me) ... and RUN!

The last week has been great as far as training goes! The weekly mileage increased this week. I had two- 3 mile runs, a 5 mile run, and my long run was 8 :) Shorter runs were smooth and fast. I enjoyed increasing one of my weekly runs to 5 miles this week. Added a few more miles to my total- which I like! I had mentioned adding more cross-training/ cycling to my training schedule. I did just that but the distance and how often was not by choice, lol! I started another job down here and my only means of transportation are my legs... and the bike I borrowed. I calculated the distance to be 8.5 miles one way and obviously an additional 8.5 miles to return home.. gah!!!  I grunt and groan through the whole 17 miles each day, but on a very positive note: I will seriously have legs AND buns of steel in no time :) Who can complain about that, right?!!

My long run this week went well. I had to switch up days and run it on Friday rather than Saturday, but it worked out well! Each week I see more and more of Tucson because of this run. The 8 miles took me a little closer to the mountains this week :) It started off a little slow but I finally settled in at about the 3 mile mark and had a smooth run until mile 6 or so. I hit a small wall at mile 6.5. I think part of that had to do with the clouds of smoke I was having to inhale due to a near by house fire! Even with it being monsoon season, everything is SO dry here... I managed to kick down the wall and finish strong with the last 2 mile loop around downtown, again. 8 miles was great, but I'm looking forward to the TEN miles next week!! I might try a whole different route next week to keep things interesting and exciting. Should be fun!

My mom comes to visit this week for my birthday... YAY, a familiar and loving face! What a great week to come :) Of course, I will stay on top of my training like a good little runner! Hope you all have a had a great week. Hopefully it won't be another week before I get to write again! Until then, I'll keep, keepin on- against the wind...

*Temperature: 74
*Song of the Day: "Against the Wind" by Bob Segar
*Tip of the Day: Try the G.U. gel packs! They are great during a run. Vanilla bean is my favorite :)
*Quote of the Day: "Attitude is the way you mentally look at the world around you. It is how you view your environment and your future. It is the focus you develop toward life itself."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Just something I read and wanted to share...

I ran across this in one of my books this weekend and wanted to share it :

"The prelude to a marathon is one of life's strangest yet most vivid times. It is a time of intensity yet relaxation, apprehension yet resolve; a time of deeply introspective solitude in the midst of the biggest jostling throng most of us will ever join. So many people, intent on a seperate inward commitment, but united in one common physical endeaver. Our motive is private, the context public. We are strangers who are instant comrades, competitors bonded by the shared knowledge that we are all about to understake one of the hardest tasks in our lives. Ahead lie strenuous effort, weariness, and pain, but we will endure it all voluntarily, for the sheer enjoyment of trying.

The communal atmosphere before the start is tense, like an army awaiting the order to enter battle, because the marathon is a contest- and each runner will be tested. Yet the mood is also ebullient and exhilarating, like a troupe of actors before a performance, because the marathon is also a drama- and each runner's story will be part of the action.

The visible scene would surely baffle any unsuspecting Martian astronomer who happened to focus on it. Over a sprawling space of open ground wanders a huge swirling crowd of humans, of both genders and all races, ages, and sizes, nervous yet peaceful, who seem confined there yet are free to go; they are diverse and idsorganized yet all wearing numbers, some grouped in teams but most alone; many with bare legs, covered in old shirts or plastic garbage bags to keep out the weather, yet who also wear expensive shoes and complex watches, milling about without direction; engaged in sperate idiosyncratic rituals of shuffling and stretching, all lining up to enter-one by one- a row of wobbly little boxes; and somehow all coordinated and ready when the moment arrives to move together up to the start.

It seems a very strange business, but somehow it works. Once experienced, it is never forgotten." - a page from 26.2 Marathon Stories by Kathrine Switzer and Roger Robinson

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bring it on!

 I've been waiting in anticipation all week for this 7 mile run! I even checked out a few extra running books from teh library to keep my mind focused. However, after having a sad day and night last night, my mind wasn't where it needed to be. I woke up intimidated by the "long run" that awaited me.  Instead of trying to force myself into "game mode" I decided to let the vents of my life be the focus of today's run. It was a great idea! I was so focued on figuring out my life and developing a game plan for the next couple months (but occassionally tuning into my body) that I had a very successful and EASY 7 mile run. :)
   There is nothing like hitting the road while the sun is still coming up, empty streets, and warm air hitting your body- just you, the pavement, and your thoughts! An escape from reality can really replenish your mind, body, and spirit... I feel new and alive today :)
   Tucson is the home of the University of Arizona. I have driven passed the campus a hundred times since being down here but you can see so much more on foot! So I mapped out my run to take me by campus... I must say its rather pretty! Green grass, palm trees, and practice and game facilities for every sport from football and diving to tennis and gymnastics. I was quite impressed! I didn't get to tour the entire campus-it is rather large, ha- but I think i will map out next week's long run to weave in and out of campus :) I'm already excited about it!
   A few of my weekly runs will increase this week and I have decided to incorporate more sprints/intervals and some hill training. That "small" hill I mentioned a few posts back, Tumamoc hill? I will be attempting to conquer her on a weekly basis- stay tuned for further posts regarding that. It should be pretty interesting! I believe her incline is at a consistent 45 degree angle... BRING IT ON! From the words of Mary J. Bleige, "She ain't got nothing on me!" ;)
   I finished out the month of June running a total of 64 miles. Not too bad! Hopefully July will double that :) Sick, huh? Who thinks like that? Just a month ago I was dreading an "easy 3." Oh, the mentality of a runner... :-D
   Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Independence Day :)

*Temperature: currently 106 degrees
*Song of the Day: "Strip Me" by Natasha Beddingfeld
*Tip of the Day:  Run the tangents. A tangent is a straight line that touches a curve. Certified road race courses are measured by the tangents. If you run the tangents, you are running the actual measured race distance rather than the normal, LONGER course of the road.
*Quote of the Day: "Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." - Dr. George Sheehan